Space 4
Set of 40 vector SPACE objects
Suitable for packaging, apparel, stationery, invitations, flyers, posters,... or as a tattoo. For themes like space, data, communication, universe, spirituality, globalism,...
- 4 illustrator CC files, containing 10 objects each
- 40 illustrator CC files with each object separately
- 40 JPGs: white on black (10,000 x 10,000 px)
- 40 PNGs: white on transparent background 10,000 x 10,000 px)
- 40 PNGs: black on transparent background 10,000 x 10,000 px)
- 40 SVGs
- PNG and JPG raster images can be used on the web or opened with any photo editing software.
- SVGs are vector files that can be used online or opened with a variety of vector software like affinity, sketch, CorelDRAW, Corel PaintShop Pro, CADSoftTools ABViewer, Inkscape, GIMP,...
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- End Products Not For Sale
- One personal social media account with non-commercial activities
- 5,000 physical or digital end products for sale
- one business social media account
- physical advertisements for local markets
- digital advertisements with unlimited impressions
- Cannot be used for: native apps, web apps, games, print on demand, made to order
- 250,000 physical or digital end products for sale
- unlimited social media accounts owned and managed by the licensee
- physical advertisements for local + global markets
- digital advertisements with unlimited impressions
- unlimited broadcast and streaming
- one native app, web app, or game downloaded or sold up to 250,000 times
- Cannot be used for: print on demand, made to order
- Resell or sub-license the product or any modification of the product
- Share in any way that allows others to download, extract, or redistribute
- Falsely represent authorship and/or ownership
- Allow anyone other than the Licensee to customize a digital or physical end product, whether for commercial or non-commercial use. This includes, but is not limited to “print on demand”, “made to order” or “download on demand” applications.
- Any other use that is not expressly permitted in the license terms is strictly prohibited
40 SPACE vector objects: AI, PNG, JPG, SVG